Mental Health for Adults

Mental Health Crisis

In a mental health emergency, please contact Morningside Medical Practice, NHS24 (TELEPHONE 111), BREATHING SPACE (0800 83 85 87), SAMARITANS (08457 90 90 90), OR EDINBURGH CRISIS CENTRE (0808 801 0414).

Below is a list of mental health services available for patients in Edinburgh which you can access without necessarily seeing a GP.

mental health

Information for Parents and Carers of Pre Teens and Teenagers

The Parent and Carer Support Team have provided a very useful handout of local services in Edinburgh. Please click here to access their handout.

The Compassionate Friends Bereavement Group

The Compassionate Friends are a charity for parents whose child has died at any age and from any cause. They offer an opportunity to talk about the loss in a warm and caring environment with others who have also experienced the death of a son or daughter. They meet on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from 1400-1600 at Health in Mind, 40 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RT. Tel: 0345 123 2304, or email 


Cared is funded by the Scottish Government and is a part of the Mental Health Strategy for Scotland. Its aims are to support loved ones aged 25 and under who have an eating disorder. Please click here for more information.


PETAL is a pro-active support centre providing Practical and Emotional Support, Advocacy, Support and Counselling for the Families and Friends, Children and Young People of Murder and Suicide Victims. They are based at 4 Redheughs Rigg, South Gyle, Edinburgh EH12 9DQ, and contact number is 01698 324502.

National Gender Identity Clinical Network for Scotland

This information hub provides access to information about gender care and services for Scottish transgender service users. It is kept up to date with support and services. Please click here for more information.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Websites and Apps

Child and Adolescent Mental Health in Lothian have recommended the below websites and apps that can help with mental health which include grounded exercises, visualisation exercises or mindfulness.

  • Headspace - free download option where you can access a guided exercise per day
  • Mindshift - can be helpful to manage, test anxiety, intense emotions and tackles avoidance and relaxation strategies
  • Smiling Mind - Meditation exercises, digital detox
  • Catch It- helps recognise, track mood and unhelpful thoughts
  • Well Mind - an NHS app with some information about anxiety and low mood, and some distraction games (use App store or Google Play to download)
  • Youth Anxiety Canada - helpful information on anxiety aimed at young people
  • Stem4 - useful website, including an app, providing a range of ways to help young people manage anxiety
  • Mood Mission- app based, tailored list of 5 simple, quick, effective, evidence-based Missions to improve your mood.
  • Health Opportunities- Edinburgh based charity supporting young people aged 12-25 to improve their physical, sexual and emotional health and wellbeing. Trauma informed work includes, therapeutic 1:1, 'Feel Good' groups, weekly drop ins, 1:1 and group work with young people affected by their own or parental substance use, RSHP education and group work in Schools.
  • Young Minds- Parent helpline. Information and advice on young people’s emotional wellbeing and mental health.