Contact Us
Contact Details
Phone Number: 0131 452 8406
Address: Morningside Medical Practice, 2 Morningside Place, Edinburgh EH10 5ER

Update your contact details
Please let us know as soon as possible if you change your address, telephone number or name. It is important that we have up to date contact details in case we need to contact you.
Before submitting this form, please check to make sure your new address fall within our practice boundary.
If your address is not in our boundary, then you will need to register with a new surgery. Please note: If your name has changed due to Marriage or by Deed Poll, can you please provide us with a copy of the appropriate document (requirement of Department of Health).
MMP Change of Personal Details
Patient Suggestions and Complaints
We welcome constructive feedback on our service.
Our aim is to provide an efficient, friendly service of the highest standard. Should we fall short of this standard and you wish to make a complaint, we offer an in house complaints service.
Please ask to speak to our Practice Manager who will listen to your problem and try to resolve the situation swiftly and constructively by investigating and responding to your complaint.
If you wish to make a written complaint please write to the Practice Manager, 2 Morningside Place, Edinburgh, EH10 5ER.
We will not respond to complaints made via our online form submission services.
Should you be dissatisfied with the practices response you should address your complaint to The Scottish Public Services Ombudsman. Please click here to visit their website for more information. You can write to the SPSO with the address as Freepost SPSO or call them on 0800 377 7330.