Lost Property Policy

Lost Property Policy
Enquiries regarding lost property may be made to reception.
Morningside Medical Practice accepts no responsibility for private property whilst on the premises, including accepting any liability should lost property be returned for any reason to someone who is not its owner – e.g. if someone makes a false representation to Morningside Medical Practice of ownership of property.
Property that is left on the premises will be kept for a period of 4 weeks, after which it will be disposed of.
In order for property to be reclaimed, a detailed description of the item(s) and date the item was left will be required.
While every effort will be made to identify the possible owner of lost property (which is likely to involve searching of the item) and then make contact with them, Morningside Medical Practice will not return the property to that person unless they provide the details set out in the previous paragraph.
Morningside Medical Practice will not mail/courier any lost property. Any lost property must be collected in person.